
Cookies are small text files stored by your browser on your computer or phone and they are used to make websites easier for visitors to use. They allow sites to store things like user preferences and gather anonymous data about how the site is used to help improve a visitor’s experience.

Please note that no advertising cookies are used on this site and no cookie data is used for marketing purposes.

Detailed below are details about how this site uses cookies, how to change the way your browser uses them and links to further information you may find useful. If you have any further questions about the use of cookies on this site then please contact us.

The cookies used by this site

When you visit this site, the following type of cookies can be created:

Site preferences cookies

Anonymous analytics cookies

Registration cookies

Site preferences cookies

These cookies are used to ensure that the site remembers how you want to use it. For example:

· allowing you to return to the same page you were on when you last logged off

· you current progress within a site as reported in the progress bar

· whether you see the latest or the oldest article comments first

Anonymous analytics cookies

We collect anonymous statistics about our visitors and we use cookies to capture this data. These cookies tell us useful information that can help us to improve the site and include things like:

· How many unique visitors the site has received and how many pages are viewed

· Technical information such as what version of browser a visitor has and what kind of operating system they use

· All of this anonymous data is used to plan and implement updates to the site and ensure it is optimized for our visitors.

Registration cookies

If you are registered with this site, we will create cookies that tell us information such as whether you are signed in or not and the website will use these cookies to manage your account details, allow access to the correct areas and customize your visit to match your account status. It also allows us to associate any comments you post with your username.

Turning cookies off

Cookies can be turned off using preferences in your browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome etc.) but please bear in mind that disabling cookies for this site may result in some functionality being disabled and may have an impact on other sites you visit afterwards.

However please bear in mind that if you disable cookies for this site you may find that it is not possible to have your progress and performance in any learning activities recorded by the site.

In order to change your browser’s cookie preferences, please click on the relevant link to find out more or click on the ‘Help’ option in your browser:

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

Cookie settings in Firefox

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari web and iOS.

Further Information

To find out more information about cookies or about online privacy, you may find the following links useful:

Microsoft Cookies guide

All About Cookies

Data Protection Act 1998

The Information Commissioner’s Office

Zend Framework 2 2.5.1
Documentation Modules Gallery Version 2.5.1 PHP Version 8.1.30 Extensions intl ModulesApplicationAdminWebinoImageThumbEdpModuleLayoutsZendDeveloperToolsSpeckPaypalAwsMailchimp
Request and Response 200 Index::cookies on cookies
Status code 200 Method GET Controller Application\Controller\Index Action cookies Route cookies Templateslayout/layoutapplication/index/cookies
Execution Time 92.47 ms
Total Time 92.47 ms
Memory Peak 6.00 Mb
Memory Peak 6.00 Mb
Config Config
Merged Config (Config)
array(14) {
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  ["service_manager"] => array(4) {
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      [1] => string(37) "Zend\Log\LoggerAbstractServiceFactory"
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      ["error/404"] => string(63) "/var/www/html/module/Application/config/../view/error/404.phtml"
      ["error/index"] => string(65) "/var/www/html/module/Application/config/../view/error/index.phtml"
      ["partials/resource-menu"] => string(89) "/var/www/html/module/Application/config/../view/application/_partials/resource-menu.phtml"
      ["layout/admin"] => string(61) "/var/www/html/module/Admin/config/../view/layout/layout.phtml"
    ["template_path_stack"] => array(4) {
      [0] => string(47) "/var/www/html/module/Application/config/../view"
      ["album"] => string(41) "/var/www/html/module/Admin/config/../view"
      ["zenddevelopertools"] => string(54) "/var/www/html/vendor/ZendDeveloperTools/config/../view"
      ["mailchimp"] => string(57) "/var/www/html/vendor/aaron4m/zf2-mailchimp/config/../view"
  ["view_helpers"] => array(3) {
    ["invokables"] => array(6) {
      ["navlink"] => string(34) "Application\View\Helper\RenderForm"
      ["UserPermissions"] => string(39) "Application\View\Helper\UserPermissions"
      ["Thumbnail"] => string(33) "Application\View\Helper\Thumbnail"
      ["ParseTags"] => string(33) "Application\View\Helper\ParseTags"
      ["Progress"] => string(32) "Application\View\Helper\Progress"
      ["Media"] => string(29) "Application\View\Helper\Media"
    ["factories"] => array(2) {
      ["Aws\View\Helper\S3Link"] => string(35) "Aws\Factory\S3LinkViewHelperFactory"
      ["Aws\View\Helper\CloudFrontLink"] => string(43) "Aws\Factory\CloudFrontLinkViewHelperFactory"
    ["aliases"] => array(2) {
      ["cloudfrontlink"] => string(30) "Aws\View\Helper\CloudFrontLink"
      ["s3link"] => string(22) "Aws\View\Helper\S3Link"
  ["console"] => array(1) {
    ["router"] => array(1) {
      ["routes"] => array(0) {
  ["module_layouts"] => array(1) {
    ["Admin"] => array(1) {
      ["default"] => string(12) "layout/admin"
  ["filters"] => array(2) {
    ["factories"] => array(1) {
      ["Aws\Filter\File\S3RenameUpload"] => string(33) "Aws\Factory\S3RenameUploadFactory"
    ["aliases"] => array(1) {
      ["s3renameupload"] => string(30) "Aws\Filter\File\S3RenameUpload"
  ["zenddevelopertools"] => array(1) {
    ["toolbar"] => array(1) {
      ["enabled"] => bool(true)
  ["aws"] => array(5) {
    ["key"] => string(20) "AKIAJN4GOAPMVTJX3IFA"
    ["secret"] => string(41) "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
    ["region"] => string(9) "us-east-1"
    ["private_key"] => string(31) "/srv/cloudfront-private-key.pem"
    ["key_pair_id"] => string(20) "APKAJSJSZTFFU4OBVSSQ"
  ["db"] => array(5) {
    ["driver"] => string(3) "Pdo"
    ["dsn"] => string(97) "mysql:dbname=wmlearn_wme;"
    ["username"] => string(3) "wme"
    ["password"] => string(20) "bdU6lpbWzA6GLZfKeOOL"
    ["driver_options"] => array(1) {
      [1002] => string(16) "SET NAMES 'UTF8'"
  ["mailchimp"] => array(3) {
    ["general"] => array(7) {
      ["apiKey"] => string(37) "89785021eb6e1c5edee89cedc3c11297-us10"
      ["listId"] => string(10) "f358358f54"
      ["apiVersion"] => string(3) "1.3"
      ["timeout"] => int(300)
      ["chunkSize"] => int(8192)
      ["defaultDc"] => string(3) "us1"
      ["secure"] => bool(false)
    ["subscribe"] => array(5) {
      ["emailType"] => string(4) "html"
      ["doubleOptin"] => bool(true)
      ["updateExisting"] => bool(false)
      ["replaceInterests"] => bool(true)
      ["sendWelcome"] => bool(false)
    ["unsubscribe"] => array(3) {
      ["deleteMember"] => bool(false)
      ["sendGoodbye"] => bool(true)
      ["sendNotify"] => bool(true)
Application Config ApplicationConfig
Application Config (ApplicationConfig)
array(2) {
  ["modules"] => array(8) {
    [0] => string(11) "Application"
    [1] => string(5) "Admin"
    [2] => string(16) "WebinoImageThumb"
    [3] => string(16) "EdpModuleLayouts"
    [4] => string(18) "ZendDeveloperTools"
    [5] => string(11) "SpeckPaypal"
    [6] => string(3) "Aws"
    [7] => string(9) "Mailchimp"
  ["module_listener_options"] => array(2) {
    ["module_paths"] => array(2) {
      [0] => string(30) "/var/www/html/config/../module"
      [1] => string(30) "/var/www/html/config/../vendor"
    ["config_glob_paths"] => array(1) {
      [0] => string(39) "config/autoload/{,*.}{global,local}.php"
Database (Zend\Db) N/A
Error You have to install or enable @bjyoungblood's Zend\Db Profiler to use this feature.